My handsome self 😎

Jonathan Paul Jacildo

Software Engineer

About Me   
Chicago skyline

An aspiring software engineer who is self-taught and likes to learn new technologies. A team player and empathetic listener who can collaborate with others well through compromise and mutual understanding.

Newly graduated from Northeastern Illinois University class of August 2019 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science.

My favorite quote is from Steve Jobs he said that Stay hungry. Stay foolish. because staying hungry means to never be satisfied and always push yourself. While staying foolish means to keep doing or trying the things people say can't be done.

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A mobile application project that is developed using Android Studios and Java. The feature I developed is the login and account creation where the use cases are logging in, creating an account, and logging out the application. Authentication is being handled by a BaaS (Backend as a service) - Firebase.

Data is stored in firebase's real-time database which is a NoSQL database and data is stored as JSON objects. Which is structured as a JSON tree in the database.

Mobile App Development (Fall 2019)
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A group project that is programmed using Java and SQL to search/query data from a MySQL database. The program returns an user interface in the console. The user would be the administrator for the application where he/she can add, delete, and view data.
IDE used is JGrasp and a MySQL server phpMyAdmin to store data.

Modern Database Management (Spring 2019)
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A group project where the task is to create different features for a WebApp. My feature is to create and design the Feedback form. The webpage is built using PHP for the dynamic content, bootstrap for the design, HTML 5 for the forms, and SQL to query data from the database. Data is being stored in a mySQL server phpMyAdmin.

Fundamentals of Software Engineering (Spring 2019)